Orb Vision forest assessment
Tree Vision app is based on computer visionand AI to scan individual trees in sample plots.- The
Orb Vision platform provides in-depth forest analysis
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Team Orb
Íris Ólafsdóttir
Electrical engineer. Founder of Orb and Kúla 3D
Jón Arnar Tómasson
Mathematician. Computer vision specialist
Liang Tian
Remote sensing specialist
P.hd. student at the University of Iceland
Georg Lúðvíksson
Chairman of the board
Electrical engineer. Founder of Meniga, Spesía, Dímon and more

“The Orb app is the tool foresters have been waiting for. It will enable estimation of the carbon reserves of forests, wood quality and the quantity of wood products expected in the future”
Hlynur Gauti Sigurðsson
CEO of Icelandic Forest Owner Associations
Funded by